More players would be great, please sign in!
I’ll probably only stay one hour or so. Premier League at 18:00.
Can we get more players for today?
Still recovering
Indoors our outdoors? It’s gonna rain
Today unfortunately not possible to play inside, there's some event at the Liikunta building. Anyhow if we are only six players, maybe we will cancel this time?
Rules say we play with 6, no? 😉
Six players is okay for me. Maybe a shorter sift if it’s gonna rain more
For me also ok to play for an hour or so with 6. But let’s confirm soon.
Okay good to hear that, I'm also ok with 6! Let's start at 5, see you there!
Please sign in for today's football, a few more players would be great! Let's play outside today because the weather is still alright.
I’ll probably join, not sure for how long I can play though. Still recovering from small muscular injury.
I got sick so unfortunately I can't play today👎
I have made a recurring reservation every Sunday from 18:00 to 19:00. Starting next week. However, as we have indoor hall reserved anyway, we can see what’s the weather before games and go either indoor/outdoor.
EDIT: I have changed the reservation time from 17:00 to 18:00 to have more time to play. I'll ask Sami to reserve 18:00 to 19:00
Amazing, thanks!
I removed bunch of people who have not signed in to Nimenhuuto for at least a year. However, I left some for nostalgy reasons and some who I now might play in summer outdoor games.
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